Always looking for inspiration is not only part of our job but it’s our passion. Knowing trends and current best practices in web development, Wordpress and brand identity design are how we create our one of a kind websites.

We love these Canadian modern designed websites as they are great examples of contemporary modern design.

What makes an exceptional website design?

In brief, we need the two elements of:

  • technicality
  • brand design

to come together. We go into details about this simple strategy more on our website design page, where you will also see latest examples of our own modern website design projects.


Digital Museums Canada

We invest in online projects by Canadian museums and heritage organizations, helping them build digital capacity and share stories and experiences with people everywhere.

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Strato Automation

A Canadian-based building automation manufacturer

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Playing in Public

Playing in Public was an exhibition at The Bentway that explored the history and future of play, and its role in shaping decisions about public space.

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The Conference Board of Canada

Independent, applied research organization in Canada.

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