See the stories of each project, the details and the challenges. View our more creative projects here.
Social Capital Partners
Branding and website design for Social Capital Partners, a Canadian nonprofit with a focus on social impact initiatives and policies.
Black Canadians in Electoral Politics
A project documenting Black Canadians’ participation and inclusion in Canadian politics, supported by the University of Toronto and SSHRC. We created a contemporary and professional brand design, a research findings report, a podcast sub brand, and a Wordpress website.
Women Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub
Graphic and web design work for the Women's Entrepreneurship Knowledge Hub, a research department/think tank at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health & Sustainable Care
The centre is an initiative of four University of Toronto faculties with various areas of specialization in health, climate, and sustainability. We designed a logo to capture the concepts of climate, systems + to represent the four departments visually, and a palette with accompanying visual assets to build out a unique visual identity for the research centre.
Measuring Main Streets
A project by the Canadian Urban Institute, funded by the Government of Canada, this project is a website of comprehensive data on Canada’s main streets. We created a CUI-related brand design for the website (not the website itself).
Wendy Wong
Logo and brand design for a Canadian Professor of Political Science + Principal’s Research Chair.
The State of Canada’s Cities
For the Canadian Urban Institute: Brand design, report design, promotional material, and social media support for an annual summit + report release highlighting the latest research on Canadian cities.
Canadian Caregiving Summit
Website design for a Canadian Caregiving Summit event. Brand development and all accompanying design assets created for the conference.
The Social Finance Fund Hub
Brand, logo, and website design for Canada's Social Finance Fund Hub. This project includes a minimal, accessible, bilingual Wordpress website and a modern logo design.
U of T Centre for the Study of Pain
Branding and website design and development project for The University of Toronto's Centre for the Study of Pain (UTCSP).
The Diversity Institute
The Diversity Institute is a Toronto Metropolitan University think tank. We created a complete contemporary brand system which can evolve over time and work across their many sub-departments and marketing initiatives.
Financial Accountability Office of Ontario
We created a bauhaus-inspired brand design for the new Ontario Government's financial accountability office.
In Defence of Democracy
Logo and identity design for Samara Centre for Democracy's annual public lecture series, In Defence of Democracy.
Markus Goertzen Family Law
Branding and website design and development for Toronto family law practice Markus Goertzen Family Law. The modern logo and identity give the office a unique brand identity in a competitive market.
Boann Social Impact
Boann is a social impact fund wholesaler, funded by the Government of Canada, to support Canada's new Social Impact Fund. We created the logo, website and complete brand identity package.
Research Digest Podcast
Brand design for New Horizon's research podcast, an Ontario think tank. The geometric abstract art communicates futurism and science in a minimal way and will give the podcast immediate visual recognition.
Erin Tolley, Canada Diversity Research Chair
Brand design and development of research portfolio style website for Canadian gender, race, and inclusive politics researcher.
First Policy Response
Website and brand design for a Toronto Metropolitan University COVID-19 policy news website, First Policy Response.
Ontario Creative Council
Concept brand design for Ontario Creative Council. This modern contemporary brand design features custom digital art and an energetic colour palette.
Amanda Clarke, Research Excellence Chair
Brand design and website development for Amanda Clarke, a Public Affairs Research Excellence Chair. Personal portfolio website for Canadian researcher.
Borealis Mental Health Care
Borealis Mental Health Care is an online service to connect people to professional mental health care, quickly. Based in Toronto, Ontario, we created the brand design and website for Borealis.
Anthony Moustacalis & Associates
Brand designer for Toronto criminal lawyer Anthony Moustacalis. Logo and website design for law office AMA LAW.
Website design for the Samara Institute for Democracy and Areto Labs. SAMbot is an AI designed to track toxic tweets on the federal election campaign trail.
University of Toronto
University of Toronto website design. UNIVERSE Creative Director Elaine worked at U of T for several years and had the unique experience of working on the university’s main website redesign project. The redesign took a year to complete and she was involved in every part of the process.
Confederation of Tomorrow
Brand design for the Environics Institute for Survey Research's Confederation of Tomorrow Survey of Canadians series.
Canadian Inclusive Economy Initiative
Brand design with illustrative elements and classic modern design. Report design created for Canadian Inclusive Economy Initiative, a project to advance policy and program ideas for inclusive prosperity.
Design Intelligence Conference
Brand design and social media images for Toronto graphic design and AI conference.
New Horizon
Branding design for psychedelic therapy research institute. Identity includes illustrative work and minimal contemporary aesthetic.
The Action Group on Access to Justice
Complete graphic and web design services of conference identity design, multilingual Wordpress website design and report designs for The Law Society's Access to Justice initiative, The Action Group.
Website DesignGraphic DesignBrand DesignIllustrationReport Design